GMO 2.0
Technology Poses an
Threat to the World.
But, with your help…
We can Tame the Tech.
GMO 2.0 Technology Poses an Unprecedented Threat to the World.
But, with your help…
We can Tame the Tech.
RISING to THE GMO 2.0 Challenge
Hear from Jeffrey Smith, IRT’s founder and world-renowned GMO expert.
After 20+ years of highlighting the health risks of GMOs and Roundup in the food system, we now face a greater danger: GMO 2.0. These stealth GMOs, edited and untested, flood our food supply and ecosystems. This goes way beyond food!
It’s time to take action.
With our worldwide experience in informing consumers, shifting public perception, and influencing policies, we’re ready for this mission.
Are you in?
RISING to THE GMO 2.0 Challenge
Hear from Jeffrey Smith, IRT’s founder and world-renowned GMO expert.
After 20+ years of highlighting the health risks of GMOs and Roundup in the food system, we now face a greater danger: GMO 2.0. These stealth GMOs, edited and untested, flood our food supply and ecosystems. This goes way beyond food!
It’s time to take action.
With our worldwide experience in informing consumers, shifting public perception, and influencing policies, we’re ready for this mission.
Are you in?
What is GMO 2.0?
Gene editing is technology that alters the genetic material of a living organism by inserting, replacing, or deleting a DNA sequence. The result is a new DNA sequence created not through millions of years of evolution but in a lab.
It’s a recipe for disaster.
Unprecedented threat
from GMO 2.0
Shockingly, in the U.S., gene-edited organisms can be created and released without safety checks and the current regulation does not cover GMOs created with GMO 2.0 technology.
We can agree on
one thing…
We share a viewpoint with the co-creator of CRISPR, the most used gene editing technology.
This is a pivotal moment in our history.
We have a choice to make.
We need to develop the cultural wisdom and stop the unregulated release of millions of new organisms and take responsibility for our planet and future.
What is GMO 2.0?
Gene editing is technology that alters the genetic material of a living organism by inserting, replacing, or deleting a DNA sequence. The result is a new DNA sequence created not through millions of years of evolution but in a lab.
It’s a recipe for disaster.
Unprecedented threat from
GMO 2.0
Shockingly, in the U.S., gene-edited organisms can be created and released without safety checks and the current regulation does not cover GMOs created with GMO 2.0 technology.
We can agree on
one thing…
We share a viewpoint with the co-creator of CRISPR, the most used gene editing technology.
This is a pivotal moment in our history.
We have a choice to make.
We need to develop the cultural wisdom and stop the unregulated release of millions of new organisms and take responsibility for our planet and future.
The Little Guys Matter Most
The Little Guys Matter Most
Creating a global focus
on GE microbes
Genetically engineered (GE) microbes present the most immediate danger. These tiny organisms can rapidly cross borders and encircle the globe. Countries spend fortunes trying to remedy the introduction of invasive species, but once GE microbes are released, no policy can stop them.
The solution:
Tame the tech
GMO 2.0: Tame the Tech educates the public, builds powerful coalitions, and shapes responsible regulation.
Creating a
global focus on
GE microbes
Genetically engineered (GE) microbes present the most immediate danger. These tiny organisms can rapidly cross borders and encircle the globe. Countries spend fortunes trying to remedy the introduction of invasive species, but once GE microbes are released, no policy can stop them.
The solution:
Tame the tech
GMO 2.0: Tame the Tech educates the public, builds powerful coalitions, and shapes responsible regulation.
There is an urgent need
for responsible
The decisions we make today are irreversible.
There is an
urgent need
for responsible
The decisions we make today are irreversible.